Sting vs. The Great Muta, NWA (7/23/1989)

Sting [c] vs. The Great Muta [NWA World Television Championship]
NWA Great American Bash 1989 ~ The Glory Days
July 23rd, 1989
Baltimore, MD

Eddie Gilbert and Gary Hart are on the floor in support. They start in separate rings as a psych out ploy by Muta. Sting gives in, but not in the way you’d think.

AS HE TOPS PILLMAN AND RUNS IN AND JUMPS OVER THE ROPES TO GET AT HIM HOLY SHIT! this is also the debut of Sting’s 90s facepaint that goes more down his face and has more vibrant colors. This feels HUGE the entire way through and again goes to the point about time management as it’s only eight and a half minutes, but is wrestled like a big time fight. Sting starts hot, but Gary distracts him, so Muta takes over. Sting dodges an early Moonsault, but he lands on his feet. He no sells the spin kick that’s won some squashes to show off, but then gets dropped with an Enzuiguri, and gets dived on outside. Muta gets dirtier as it goes on, but he misses the big handspring elbow and Sting has a great comeback, BUT HE DODGES THE MIST AND IT GETS THE REF. MUTA HAS STING BEAT WITH THE MOONSAULT. TOMMY YOUNG RUNS OUT, BUT STING KICKS OUT WITH THE EXTRA TIME HOLY SHIT. Sting hits a Back Suplex with a bridge, and his shoulders are up CLEARLY, and the ref counts Muta down and his arm is maybe up before three.

Gary argues with the referee, but as Sting is getting up, GARY GRABS THE TITLE BELT AND HE AND MUTA LEAVE WITH IT! The replay shows Muta’s arm also up.


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